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$about me
Hi! I mainly develop apps for macOS, but I love doing and learning about everything that is related to computers.
$ cat interests.txt
[0] Programming (in progress)
[1] Computer architecture (in progress)
[2] Machine learning (in progress)
[3] Cybersecurity (in progress)
[4] Chess (in progress)
[5] Physics (in progress)
$ cat projects.txt
[0] Extiri - my solo "company" for projects that aren't experimental
[1] CodeMenu - macOS snippets manager
<------- my biggest project
[2] Suggestions - access snippets in external editor, open source
[3] natsearch - macOS CLI tool for searching tghrough files using natural language (supports code), open source
[4] Hier - my Lisp-like programming language in the making
[5] PlatiniumOS - my operating system built in Rust based on phil-opp's tutorial and extended
[6] Snippets Store - open source online database of snippets (ExtiriServer - server, extiri-web - web app) (Extiri instance)
$ cat socials.txt
[1] 0:wwwshell*
00:00 01-jan-1970